Italian actress and model Monica Bellucci, in a transparent top over her bare body, wished her fans a Happy New Year. Her followers were thrilled by the photo, calling the 60-year-old actress the hottest woman on the planet. By the way, here’s Monica’s list of movie recommendations that she loves.
On her Instagram, Bellucci posted a picture of herself posing in a black transparent top over her bare body. Her thick dark hair is styled back, and the only accessory she chose was a pair of sparkling earrings.
“Wishing everyone a happy New Year 2025. Bonne Année à tous. Buon Anno a tutti,” the actress captioned the photo.
Bellucci’s fans eagerly responded with their own New Year’s wishes under the photo. Some users noted how sexy and hot she is, and that she only becomes more beautiful with age. Here are some of the comments:
“Happy New Year to the most beautiful lady in the world.”
“The provocateur inside you is still alive.”
“Wishing you a very eventful and promising 2025, may all your dreams come true.”
“I think you’re the hottest woman I’ve ever seen in my life, so sexy.”
“Happy New Year, style icon, the hottest woman on the planet. Congratulations.”